EDB — 1Z9

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Proposition 232

[1Z9]If we now fix a family \(\mathcal F\) of sets of interest, we first define the relation \(A∼ B\iff | A|= | B|\) in it; it is easily shown that this is an equivalence relation; so we get that \(| A|≤ | B|\) is a total order in \({\mathcal F}/∼\).


This derives from the Proposition [1Z7], since the relation

\[ ARB \iff | A|≤ | B| \]

is reflexive and transitive, and by Cantor–Bernstein’s Theorem

\[ | A|≤ | B| ∧ | B|≤ | A| \iff A∼ B \quad . \]

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