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[1ZV]Prerequisites:[29D],[1ZS],[1ZT]. Prove 1 than in an ordered ring \(F\):

  1. for each \(x ∈ F, x^ 2 ≥ 0\) , in particular \(1 = 1^ 2{\gt}0\);

  2. \(x {\gt} 0 ⇒ -x {\lt} 0\)

  3. \(y {\gt} x ⇒ -y {\lt} -x \) ;

  4. \(x ≤ y \land a ≤ 0 ⇒ a · x ≥ a · y\) ;

  5. \(x \ge a \land y\ge b ⇒ x + y ≥ a + b\) ;

  6. \(x {\gt} a \land y\ge b ⇒ x + y {\gt} a + b\) ;

  7. \(x \ge a \ge 0 \land y\ge b\ge 0 ⇒ x · y ≥ a · b\) ;

Prove than in an ordered field \(F\):

  1. \(x {\gt} a {\gt} 0 \land y{\gt} b\ge 0 ⇒ x · y {\gt} a · b\) ;

  2. \(x {\gt} 0 ⇒ x ^{−1} {\gt} 0\) ;

  3. \(y {\gt} x {\gt} 0 ⇒ x ^{−1} {\gt} y ^{−1} {\gt} 0\) ;

  4. \(x · y {\gt} 0\) if and only if \(x\) and \(y\) agree on sign (i.e. either both > 0 or both < 0);

Solution 1


  1. From Cap. 2 Sec. 7 in [ 3 ] , or [ 20 ] Prop. 1.18
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  • [3] L. Ambrosio, C. Mantegazza, and F. Ricci. Complementi di matematica. Scuola Normale Superiore, 2021. ISBN 9788876426933. URL https://books.google.it/books?id=1QR0zgEACAAJ.
  • [26] Walter Rudin. Principles of Mathematical Analysis. McGraw–Hill, New York, 3rd edition, 1964.

Book index
  • ordered ring
  • ring, ordered —
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