EDB β€” 20F

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Definition 38

[20F] Let \(IβŠ‚ ℝ\), \(x_ 0∈ \overline{ℝ}\) accumulation point of \(I\), \(f:Iβ†’ ℝ\) function. We define

\begin{align} \limsup _{xβ†’ x_ 0} f(x) = \inf _{U \text{neighbourhood of} x_ 0}~ \sup _{x∈ U∩ I} f(x) \label{eq:limsup_ R}\\ \liminf _{xβ†’ x_ 0} f(x) = \sup _{U \text{neighbourhood of} x_ 0}~ \inf _{x∈ U∩ I} f(x) \label{eq:liminf_ R} \end{align}

where the first ”inf” (resp. the ”sup”) is performed with respect to the family of all the deleted neighbourhoods \(U\) of \(x_ 0\); and the neighbourhoods will be right or left neighbourhoods if the limit is from right or left.

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Book index
  • limsup, of function
  • liminf, of function
  • real numbers
  • liminf, of function
  • limsup, of function
  • function, liminf of β€” , see liminf
  • function, limsup of β€” , see limsup
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