EDB — 21W

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Definition 137

[21W]Given two ordered sets \((X,≤_ X)\) and \((Y,≤_ Y)\), with \(X,Y\) disjoint, the concatenation of \(X\) with \(Y\) is obtained defining \(Z=X∪ Y\) and providing it with the ordering \(≤_ Z\) given by:

  • if \(z_ 1,z_ 2∈ X\) then \(z_ 1≤_ Z z_ 2\) if and only if \(z_ 1≤_ X z_ 2\);

  • if \(z_ 1,z_ 2∈ Y\) then \(z_ 1≤_ Z z_ 2\) if and only if \(z_ 1≤_ Y z_ 2\);

  • If \(z_ 1∈ X\) and \(z_ 2∈ Y\) then you always have \(z_ 1≤_ Z z_ 2\).

This operation is sometimes denoted by the notation \(Z = X⧺ Y\).

If the sets are not disjoint, we can replace them with disjoint sets defined by \(\tilde X=\{ 0\} × X\) and \(\tilde Y=\{ 1\} × Y\), then we may "copy" the respective orders, and finally we can perform the concatenation of \(\tilde X\) and \(\tilde Y\).

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Book index
  • concatenation
  • \(⧺ \)
  • \(⧺ \) , see concatenation
  • order
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