EDB — 23S

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Definition 42

[23S]Other operators between sets are:

  • the difference

    \[ A⧵ B {\stackrel{.}{=}}\{ x∈ A : x∉ B\} \quad ; \]

  • if the set \(A\) is clearly specified by the context, and if \(B⊆ A\), it is common to write \(B^ c{\stackrel{.}{=}}A⧵ B\); \(B^ c\) is said to be the complement of \(B\) in \(A\);

  • the symmetric difference

    \[ AΔ B {\stackrel{.}{=}}(A∪ B)⧵ (A∩ B)= (A⧵ B)∪(B⧵ A)= \{ x∈ A∪ B : x∈ A\iff x∉ B\} \quad ; \]

where \(A,B\) are sets.

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Book index
  • \(\setminus \) , see set difference
  • set, difference
  • set, complement of a ---
  • complement, of a set , see set, complement of
  • \(A^c\) , see set, complement of
  • set, symmetric difference
  • \(\Delta \)
  • \(\Delta \) , see set, symmetric difference
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