EDB — 24X

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Definition 170

[24X]Given \(x\) the successor is defined as

\begin{equation} S(x) {\stackrel{.}{=}}x ∪ \{ x\} \quad . \label{eq:successore} \end{equation}

We will often write \(Sx\) instead \(S(x)\) to ease notations.

We say that a set \(A\) is S-saturated if \(∅∈ A\) and if for every \(x∈ A\) you have \(S(x)∈ A\). 1

  1. In [ 11 ] such set is called inductive.
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Book index
  • successor, in Zermelo—Fraenkel set theory
  • S-saturated
  • inductive , see S-saturated
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