EDB — 07S

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Remark 3

[07S](Solved on 2023-01-17) Recall that the supremum \(\sup A\) of \(A⊆ X\) is (by definition) the minimum of the majorants (quando questo minimo esiste).

If \(X\) is well ordered we have the existence of the supremum \(\sup A\) for any \(A⊆ X\) that is upper bounded. 1 (If \(A\) is not upper bounded, we can conventionally decide that \(\sup A=∞\)).

  1. ”Upper bounded” means that there exists \(w∈ X\) such that \(x≤ w\) for every \(x∈ A\). This is equivalent to saying that the set of majorants of \(A\) is not empty!
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