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[0MM] 1 Prerequisites:[2F7],[0KK].Difficulty:*.Let \(Ω\) be a non-empty set; let’s consider \(X={\mathbb {R}}^Ω\).

  1. Let

    \[ U^ f_{E,𝜌}=\{ g∈ X, ∀ x∈ E, |f(x)-g(x)|{\lt}𝜌\} \]

    where \(f∈X\), \(𝜌{\gt}0\) and \(E⊂ Ω\) is finite. Show that the family of these \(U^ f_{E,𝜌}\) satisfies the requirements of [0KZ], and is therefore a base for a topology \(𝜏\) (Hint: use [2F7]). This topology is the product topology of topologies of \(ℝ\).

    In particular for each \(f\in X\) the sets \(U^ f_{E,𝜌}\) are a fundamental system of neighborhoods.

  2. Check that the topology is \(T_ 2\).

  3. Note that \(X\) is a vector space, and show that the “sum” operation is continuous, as an operation \(X× X→ X\); to this end, show that if \(f,g\in X,h=f+g\), for every neighborhood \(V_ h\) of \(h\) there are neighborhoods \(V_ f,V_ g\) of \(f,g\) such that \(V_ f+V_ g\subseteq V_ h\).

  4. Given \(B_ i⊂ℝ\) open and non-empty, one for each \(i∈Ω\), show that \(∏_ i B_ i\) is open if and only if \(B_ i=ℝ\) except at most finitely many \(i\).

Solution 1


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Authors: Ricci, Fulvio ; "Mennucci , Andrea C. G." .
Book index
  • space, topological
  • topological space
  • Ricci
  • neighbourhood, fundamental system of —
  • fundamental system of neighbourhoods
  • vector space
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