EDB β€” 0NX

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Definition 3

[0NX] For the following exercises we define that

  1. a set \(E\) is open if

    \begin{equation} \label{eq:defaperti} βˆ€ x_ 0 ∈ E , βˆƒ r>0: B(x_ 0,r)βŠ† E\quad . \end{equation}

    It is easily seen that \(βˆ…,X\) are open sets; that the intersection of a finite number of open sets is an open set; that the union of an arbitrary number of open set is an open set. So these open sets form a topology.

  2. The interior \({{E}^\circ }\) of a set \(E\) is

    \begin{equation} \label{eq:internooperativo} {{E}^\circ }=\bigl\{ x∈ E: \exists r>0, B_ r(x)βŠ† E \bigr\} \ ; \end{equation}

    It is easy to verify that \({{E}^\circ }βŠ† E\), and that \(E\) is open if and only if \({{E}^\circ }=E\) (exercise [0PB]).

  3. A set is closed if the complement is open.

  4. A point \(x_ 0∈ X\) is adherent to \(E\) if

    \[ βˆ€\, r{\gt}0\ ,\quad E∩ B_ r(x_ 0)β‰ βˆ… \quad . \]

  5. The closure \(\overline E\) of \(E\) is the set of adherent points; it is easy to verify that \({E}βŠ† \overline{E}\); It is shown that \(\overline E=E\) if and only if \(E\) is closed (exercise [0PM]).

  6. \(A\) is dense in \(B\) if \(\overline A βŠ‡ B\), that is, if for every \(x ∈ B\) and for every \(r {\gt} 0\) the intersection \(B_ r (x) ∩ A\) is not empty.

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Book index
  • accumulation point, in metric spaces
  • topology, in metric spaces
  • set, open β€”, in metric space
  • interior, in metric space
  • set, closed β€”, in metric space
  • adherent point, in metric space
  • closure, in metric space
  • dense, in metric space
  • metric space
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