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  1. [0ZZ] Prerequisites:[106], [19D], [0ZX].Difficulty:*.We will say that the normed space \((X,\| ⋅\| )\) is strictly convex 1 if the following equivalent properties apply.

    • The disc \(D=\{ x∈ X:\| x\| ≤ 1\} \) is strictly convex. 2

    • The sphere \(\{ x∈ X,\| x\| =1\} \) does not contain non-trivial segments (that is, segments of positive length).

    • For \(v,w∈ D\) with \(\| v\| =\| w\| =1\) and \(v≠ w\), for every \(t\) such that \(0{\lt}t{\lt}1\), we have that \(\| t v+(1-t)w\| {\lt}1\).

    • For every \(v,w∈ X\) that are linearly independent we have \( \| v+w\| {\lt} \| v\| +\| w\| \quad .\)

    Show that the previous four clauses are equivalent.

    [ [101]]

    Solution 1


  1. See [ 21 ] for more properties.
  2. The definition is in [19D].
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Book index
  • normed vector space, strictly convex ---
  • strictly convex, normed vector space
  • normed vector space
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