EDB β€” 109

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  1. [109] We want to show that ”the norms in \(ℝ^ n\) are all equivalent.”

    Let \(\| x\| =\sqrt{βˆ‘_{i=1}^ n x_ i^ 2}\) be the Euclidean norm. Let \(πœ™:ℝ^ nβ†’[0,∞)\) be a norm: it can be shown that \(πœ™\) is a convex function, see [0ZX]; and therefore \(πœ™\) is a continuous function, see [186]. Use this fact to prove that there exist \(0{\lt}a{\lt}b\) such that

    \begin{equation} βˆ€ x , ~ ~ a\| x\| β‰€πœ™(x)≀ b\| x\| ~ ~ .\label{eq:Rn_ norma_ equiv} \end{equation}

    Solution 1


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Book index
  • norms, equivalent
  • equivalent, norms
  • normed vector space
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