EDB β€” 13R

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  1. [13R]Given \(f:X→ℝ\), define

    \[ f^{*}(x)=f(x)∨ \limsup _{yβ†’ x} f(y) \quad ; \]

    show that \(f^{*}(x)\) is the smallest upper semicontinuous function that is greater than or equal to \(f\) at each point.

    Similarly, define

    \[ f_{*}(x)=f(x)∧ \liminf _{yβ†’ x} f(y) \]

    then \(-(f^{*})=(- f)_{*}\), and therefore \(f_{*}(x)\) is the greatest lower semicontinuous function that is less than or equal to \(f\) at each point.

    Finally, note that \(f^*β‰₯ f_*\).

    Solution 1


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  • lower semicontinuous
  • upper semicontinuous
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