EDB β€” 156

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[156]Prerequisites:[155].Let \(f:X_ 1β†’ X_ 2\) with \((X_ 1,d_ 1)\) and \((X_ 2,d_ 2)\) metric spaces.

A monotonic (weakly) increasing function \(πœ”:[0,∞)β†’ [0,∞]\), with \(πœ”(0)=0\) and \(\lim _{tβ†’ 0+}πœ”(t)=0\), such that

\begin{equation} βˆ€ x,y∈ X_ 1,~ ~ d_ 2(f(x),f(y))≀ πœ”(d_ 1(x,y))~ , \label{eq:modulo_ continuita} \end{equation}

is called continuity modulus for the function \(f\). (Note that \(f\) can have many continuity moduli).

For example, if the function \(f\) is Lipschitz, i.e. there exists \(L{\gt}0\) such that

\[ βˆ€ x,y∈ X_ 1,~ ~ d_ 2(f(x),f(y))≀ L \, d_ 1(x,y) \]

then \(f\) satisfies the eqz.Β ?? by placing \(πœ”(t)=L t\).

We will now see that the existence of a continuity modulus is equivalent to the uniform continuity of \(f\).

  • If \(f\) is uniformly continuous, show that the function

    \begin{equation} πœ”_ f(t) = \sup \{ d_ 2(f(x), f(y)) ~ :~ x,y∈ X_ 1,d_ 1(x,y)≀ t \} \label{eq:modulo_ cont_ con_ sup} \end{equation}

    is the smallest continuity modulus. 1

  • Note that the modulus defined in ?? may not be continuous, and may be infinite for \(t\) large β€” find examples of this behaviour.

  • Also show that if \(f\) is uniformly continuous, there is a modulus that is continuous where it is finite.

  • Conversely, it is easy to verify that if \(f\) has a continuity modulus, then it is uniformly continuous.

If you don’t know metric space theory, you can prove the previous results in case \(f:Iβ†’ ℝ\) with \(IβŠ†β„\). (See also the exercise [15W], which shows that in this case the modulus \(πœ”\) defined in ?? is continuous and is finite).

Solution 1


[ [15B]]

  1. Note that the family on which the upper bound is calculated always contains the cases \(x=y\), therefore \(πœ”(t)β‰₯ 0\).
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Book index
  • function, uniformly continuous ---
  • continuity modulus
  • function, Lipschitz ---
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