EDB — 1H3

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[1H3] Prerequisites: [0JV], [0JY], [0T5], [0T7], [1DT], [1GD], [1P1] and [1PG].

For this exercise we need definitions and results presented in the Chapter [1NT].

Let \(r≥ 1\) integer, or \(r=∞\). Let \(F:ℝ^ 2→ℝ\) of class \(C^ r\), and such that \(∇ F≠ 0\) at every point \(F=0\).

We know, from [0JV], that \(\{ F=0\} \) is the disjoint union of connected components, and from [0JY] that every connected component is a closed.

Show that, for every connected component \(K\), there is an open set \(A⊇ K\) such that \(K=A∩ \{ F=0\} \), and that therefore there are at most countably many connected components.

Show that each connected component is the support of a simple immersed curve of class \(C^ r\), of one of the following two types:

  • the curve is closed, or

  • The curve \(𝛾:ℝ→ℝ^ 2\) is not closed and is unbounded (i.e. \(\lim _{t→ ±∞}|𝛾(t)|=∞\)).

The first case occurs if and only if the connected component is a compact.

Solution 1


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