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[1JG] We wonder if the previous classes \(\mathcal F\) enjoy a ”rigidity property”, that is, if from a more "weak" convergence in the class follows a more "strong" convergence. Prove the following propositions.

  1. Let \(f_ n,f:I→ℝ\) be continuous and monotonic (weakly) increasing functions, defined over a closed and bounded interval \(I=[a,b]\). Suppose there is a dense set \(J\) in \(I\) with \(a,b∈ J\), such that \(∀ x∈ J, f_ n(x)→_ n f(x) \), then \(f_ n→_ nf\) uniformly.

    Solution 1


  2. Let \(A⊆ ℝ\) be open interval. Let \(f_ n,f:A→ℝ\) be convex functions on \(A\). If there is a set \(J\) dense in \(A\) such that \(∀ x∈ J, f_ n(x)→_ n f(x) \), then, for every \([a,b]⊂ A\), we have that \(f_ n→_ n f\) uniformly on \([a,b]\).

    Solution 2


  3. Let \(f_ n:I→ℝ\) be a family of equicontinuous functions, 1 defined on a closed and bounded interval \(I=[a,b]\), and let \(𝜔\) be their modulus of continuity. If there is a set \(J\) dense in \([a,b]\) such that \(∀ x∈ J, f_ n(x)→_ n f(x) \), then, \(f\) extends from \(J\) to \(I\) so that it is continuous (with modulus \(𝜔\)), and \(f_ n→_ nf\) uniformly on \([a,b]\).

    Solution 3


  4. Let \(f_ n,f:I→ℝ\) be polynomials of degree less than or equal to \(N\), seen as functions defined on an interval \(I=[a,b]\) closed and bounded; fix \(N+1\) distinct points \(a≤ x_ 0{\lt}x_ 1{\lt}x_ 2{\lt}\ldots {\lt}x_ N≤ b\); assume that, for each \(x_ i\), \(f_ n(x_ i)→_ n f(x_ i)\): then \(f_ n\) converge to \(f\) uniformly, and so do each of their derivatives \(D^ kf_ n→_ n D^ kf\) uniformly.

    Solution 4


Also look for counterexamples for similar propositions, when applied to the other classes of functions seen in the previous exercise.

  1. Definition is in [1HR]
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Book index
  • convergence, uniform ---
  • convergence, pointwise ---
  • rigidity property
  • equicontinuous family
  • continuity modulus
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