- E15
We want to generalize the results of the previous exercise [1V0] to the case of matrices \(n× n\).
Recall the following properties of the determinant of matrices \(A∈ℝ^{n× n}\).
The rank is the dimension of the image of \(A\) (considered as a linear application from \(ℝ^ n\) to \(ℝ^ n\)) and is also the maximum number of linearly independent columns in \(A\).
\(A\) has rank \(n\) if and only \(\det (A)≠ 0\).
If you exchange two columns in \(A\), the determinant changes sign;
if you add a multiple of another column to a column, the determinant does not change.
The characterization of rank through minors, "The rank of A is equal to the highest order of an invertible minor of A".
Laplace’s expansion of the determinant, and Jacobi’s formula (cf [1V2]).
The determinant of \(A\) is equal to the determinant of the transpose; So every previous result holds, if you read ”row” instead of ”column”.
Show the following results.
Show that the gradient of the function \(\det (A)\) is not zero, if and only if the rank of \(A\) is at least \(n-1\).
Let \(Z\) be the set of matrices \(ℝ^{n× n}\) with null determinant. Show that it is a closed set with an empty interior.
Fix \(B\) a matrix with rank at most \(n-2\), show that the thesis of the theorem is false in the neighborhoods \(U_ B\) of the matrix \(B\), in the sense that \(Z∩ U_ B\) is not contained in a surface 1 .
Solution 1
EDB — 1V4
"Mennucci , Andrea C. G."
Book index
- [73] to3em. Rank (linear algebra) — Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 2023. URL https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rank_(linear_algebra)&oldid=1142781860. [Online; accessed 10-agosto-2023].
- [59] to3em. Determinant — Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 2023. URL https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Determinant&oldid=1169031704. [Online; accessed 10-agosto-2023].
Book index
- matrix, determinant
- Jacobi, formula
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