EDB — 1V4

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We want to generalize the results of the previous exercise [1V0] to the case of matrices \(n× n\).

Recall the following properties of the determinant of matrices \(A∈ℝ^{n× n}\).

  • The rank is the dimension of the image of \(A\) (considered as a linear application from \(ℝ^ n\) to \(ℝ^ n\)) and is also the maximum number of linearly independent columns in \(A\).

  • \(A\) has rank \(n\) if and only \(\det (A)≠ 0\).

  • If you exchange two columns in \(A\), the determinant changes sign;

  • if you add a multiple of another column to a column, the determinant does not change.

  • The characterization of rank through minors, "The rank of A is equal to the highest order of an invertible minor of A".

  • Laplace’s expansion of the determinant, and Jacobi’s formula (cf [1V2]).

  • The determinant of \(A\) is equal to the determinant of the transpose; So every previous result holds, if you read ”row” instead of ”column”.

See also in [ 72 , 58 ] .

Show the following results.

  1. Show that the gradient of the function \(\det (A)\) is not zero, if and only if the rank of \(A\) is at least \(n-1\).

  2. Let \(Z\) be the set of matrices \(ℝ^{n× n}\) with null determinant. Show that it is a closed set with an empty interior.

  3. Fix \(B\) a matrix with rank at most \(n-2\), show that the thesis of the theorem is false in the neighborhoods \(U_ B\) of the matrix \(B\), in the sense that \(Z∩ U_ B\) is not contained in a surface 1 .


Solution 1


  1. This problem is simpler than you think... There are too many matrices with zero determinant close to \(B\)...
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Book index
  • matrix, determinant
  • Jacobi, formula
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