EDB — 1X9

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4 Natural numbers[1X9]

We want to properly define the set

\[ {\mathbb N}=\{ 0,1,2,\ldots \} \]

of the natural numbers.

A possible model, as shown in Sec. [246], is obtained by relying on the theory of Zermelo—Fraenkel.

Here instead we present Peano’s axioms, expressed using the naive version of set theory.

Definition 295 Peano’s axioms


From those two important properties immediately follow. One is the principle of induction, see [1XC]. The other is left for exercise.

Exercise 296


The idea is that the successor function encodes the usual numbers according to the scheme

\[ 1=S(0),\quad 2=S(1), \quad 3=S(2)\ldots \]

and (having defined the addition) we will have that \(S(n)=n+1\).

Exercise 297


4.1 Induction


4.2 Recursive definitions


4.3 Arithmetic


4.4 Ordering


4.5 Z-F and Peano compatibility


4.6 Generalized induction, well ordering


4.7 Frequently, eventually


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  • natural numbers
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