EDB — 1Y9

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Exercise 35

[1Y9] Let be given \(a,b,x,y\).

  1. Show that in the hypothesis

    \[ \{ a,b\} = \{ x,y\} \]

    you have that

    \[ (a= b)\iff (x= y) \iff a=b=x=y \quad . \]
  2. In particular, you deduce that if

    \[ \{ a\} = \{ x,y\} \]

    then \(a=x=y\).

  3. Then show that if we assume that the four elements \(a,b,x,y\) are not all the same, then we have

    \[ \{ a,b\} = \{ x,y\} \]

    if and only if \(a=x∧ b=y\) or \(a=y∧ b=x\).

To show the above be as precise as possible: use the axiom of extensionality [1Y8], the axiom of pairing [1Y3] and the tautulogies shown in the previous section (or other elementary logical relationships).

Solution 1


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