EDB β€” 1ZJ

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Definition 7

[1ZJ] An ordered ring \(F\) is a ring with a total order relation \(≀\) for which, for every \(x, y, z ∈ F\),

  • \(x ≀ y β‡’ x + z ≀ y + z\);

  • \(x, y β‰₯ 0 β‡’ x Β· y β‰₯ 0 \) .

Due to [203], if \(F\) is a field, in the second hypothesis we may equivalently write \(x, y {\gt} 0 β‡’ x Β· y {\gt} 0 \) . (Regarding the second hypothesis, see also [1ZT]) For further informations see the references in [ 29 ] . We will assume that in an ordered ring the multiplication is commutative.

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  • ordered ring
  • ring, ordered β€”
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