EDB โ€” 20V

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Exercise 8

[20V] Prerequisites:[20T].Let \(๐›ผ{\gt}0,๐›ผโˆˆโ„\) be fixed. We know that, for every natural \(nโ‰ฅ 1\), there exists an unique \(๐›ฝ{\gt}0\) such that \(๐›ฝ^ n=๐›ผ\), and \(๐›ฝ\) is denoted by the notation \(\sqrt[n]{๐›ผ}\). (See e.g. Proposition 2.6.6 Chap.ย 2 Sec.ย 6 of the course notes [ 3 ] or Theorem 1.21 in [ 25 ] ). Given \(qโˆˆโ„š\), we write \(q=n/m\) with \(n,mโˆˆโ„ค,mโ‰ฅ 1\), we define

\[ ๐›ผ^{q}{\stackrel{.}{=}}\sqrt[m]{๐›ผ^ n}\quad . \]

Show that this definition does not depend on the choice of representation \(q=n/m\); that

\[ ๐›ผ^{q}={\big({\sqrt[m]{๐›ผ}}\big)}^ n\quad ; \]

that for \(p,qโˆˆโ„š\)

\[ ๐›ผ^{q}๐›ผ^ p=๐›ผ^{p+q}\quad ,\quad (๐›ผ^ p)^ q=๐›ผ^{(pq)}\quad ; \]

show that when \(๐›ผ {\gt}1\) then \(pโ†ฆ ๐›ผ^ p\) is strictly monotonic increasing.

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  • [3] L. Ambrosio, C. Mantegazza, and F. Ricci. Complementi di matematica. Scuola Normale Superiore, 2021. ISBN 9788876426933. URL https://books.google.it/books?id=1QR0zgEACAAJ.
  • [26] Walter Rudin. Principles of Mathematical Analysis. McGrawโ€“Hill, New York, 3rd edition, 1964.

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