EDB — 224

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  1. [224]Prerequisites:[23X],[1Y5].

    Given two relations \(a≤ b\) and \(a{\lt} b\) for \(a,b\in A\), show that these are equivalent:

    • \(a≤ b\) is a (possibly partial) order relation and we identify

      \[ a{\lt}b = (a≤ b\land a\neq b)\quad ; \]
    • \(a{\lt} b\) is an irreflexive and transitive relation and \(\forall x,y\in A\) at most one of \(x{\lt}y~ ,~ x=y ~ ,~ y{\lt}x\) holds; and we identify

      \[ a≤ b = (a{\lt} b\lor a= b)\quad . \]

    This latter \(a{\lt} b\) is called strict (partial) order.

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Book index
  • antireflexiv, relation
  • irreflexiv, relation
  • antisymmetric, relation
  • partial order
  • transitive, relation
  • relation, antireflexiv
  • relation, irreflexiv
  • relation, antisymmetric
  • relation, transitive
  • strict partial order
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