EDB β€” 22R

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Definition 141

[22R] Let \(AβŠ† X\). The majorants of \(A\) (or upper bounds) are

\[ M_ A{\stackrel{.}{=}}\{ x∈ X:βˆ€ a∈ A, a≀ x\} \quad . \]

A set \(A\) is bounded above when there exists an \(x∈ X\) such that \(βˆ€ a∈ A, a≀ x\), i.e. exactly when \(M_ Aβ‰ βˆ…\).

If \(M_ A\) has minimum \(s\), then \(s\) is th supremum, a.k.a. least upper bound, of \(A\), and we write \(s=\sup A\).

By reversing the order relation in the above definition, we obtain the definition of minorants/lower bounds, bounded below, infimum/greatest lower bound.

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Book index
  • order
  • majorants
  • upper bounds
  • bounded above
  • supremum
  • least upper bound , see supremum
  • sup , see supremum
  • minorants
  • lower bounds
  • bounded below
  • infimum
  • greatest lower bound , see infimum
  • inf , see infimum
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