[289] Let \(n,m,k∈ℕ\).
For every \(n\) we have \(0\le n\)
\(n≤ m\) if and only if \(n{\lt} S(m)\).
Note that these two points satisfy [(4.29)],[(4.28)] in [26H]
For every \(n\) we have \(n{\lt}S(n)\)
\(n{\lt}m\) if and only if \(S(n)≤ m\).
If \(n≤ m ≤ S(n)\) then \(m=n\) or \(m=S(n)\).
The proofs are left as exercise [28D]. (After we will prove that the relation is total, then by [26X] the last two are equivalent.)