EDB β€” 2B2

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[2B2]Suppose that on the set \(X\) there is a relation \(R\) that is reflexive and transitive and satisfies

\begin{equation} \label{eq:ord_ diretto_ R} βˆ€ x,y∈ X ~ βˆƒ z∈ X,~ xRz, yR z\quad . \end{equation}

(as seen in [(3.96)])

This pair \((X,R)\) is a "Directed Set" according to the usual definition (see [ 17 ] or other references in [ 43 ] ).

Show that there exists another relation \(≀\) such that

  • \(≀\) is a partial order and it satisfies [(3.96)];

  • \(R\) extends \(≀\) that is;

    \[ βˆ€ x,y∈ X ~ x≀ yβ‡’~ x R y\quad ; \]
  • moreover \((X,≀)\) is cofinal in \((X,R)\).

Solution 1


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Book index
  • order, directed
  • order, with filtering property
  • order
  • directed set
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