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  1. [2BX]Let \(A,B\) be non-empty sets.

    • Suppose that \(f:A→ B\) is an injective function: there exists a surjective function \(g:B→ A\) such that \(g◦ f=\text{Id}_ A\) (the identity function). (Such \(g\) is a left inverse of \(g\)).

    • Suppose that \(g:B→ A\) is a surjective function: there exists a injective function \(f:A→ B\) such that \(g◦ f=\text{Id}_ A\). (Such \(f\) is a right inverse of \(g\)).

    The proof of the second statement requires the Axiom of Choice (see [2BZ]).

    Vice versa.

    • If \(f:A→ B\) has a left inverse then it is an injective function.

    • If \(g:B→ A\) has a right inverse, then it is a surjective function.

    Solution 1


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  • right inverse
  • left inverse
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