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10 Dimension[0YH]

Let \((X,d)\) be a metric space. Let in the following \(K\) a compact non-empty subset of \(X\), and \(N(𝜌)\) the minimum number of balls of radius \(𝜌\) that are needed to cover \(K\).  1

Definition 161


If the limit does not exist, we can still use the limsup and the liminf to define the upper and lower dimension.

Note that this definition depends a priori on the choice of the distance, i.e. \(N=N(𝜌,K,d)\) and \(\dim =\dim (K,d)\). See in particular [0YZ].


  1. [0YK]

  2. [0YN]

  3. [0YQ]

  4. [0YS]

  5. [0YV]

  6. [0YX]

  7. [0YZ]

  8. [0Z1]

  9. [0Z3]

  10. [0Z7]

  11. [0ZB]

  12. [0ZD]

  13. [0ZG]

  14. [0ZJ]

  15. [0ZM]

  16. [0ZP]

  17. [0ZR]

QuasiEsercizio 41


  1. By the Heine–Borel theorem [0V3] we know that \(N(𝜌){\lt}∞\)
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