EDB — 10S

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  1. [10S]Prerequisites:[0ZX],[19C],[10F].Let \(r{\gt}0\); if \(p∈[1,∞]\) then the ball \(B_ r^ p=\{ \| x\| _ p{\lt} r\} \) is convex; also \(B_ r^ p⊆ B_ r^{\tilde p}\) if \(\tilde p{\gt} p\). In the case \(n=2\) of planar balls, study graphically the shape of the balls as \(p\) varies. Are there points that are on the border of all balls?

    Solution 1


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  • normed vector space
  • \( \Vert \cdot \Vert _p\) , in \( ℝ ^n\)
  • \( \Vert \cdot \Vert _\infty \) , in \( ℝ ^n\)
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