EDB β€” 2BP

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[2BP] Prerequisites:[0KK],[0MM],[0K4].Difficulty:*.Let \(Ξ©\) be an infinite uncountable set ; consider \(X=ℝ^Ξ©\) with the topology \(𝜏\) seen in [0MM].

  1. Show that every point in \((X,𝜏)\) does not admit a countable fundamental system of neighborhoods.

  2. Setting

    \begin{equation} C{\stackrel{.}{=}}\{ f∈ X, f(x)β‰  0 \text{~ for at most countably many ~ } x∈Ω\} \label{eq:C} \end{equation}

    show that \(\overline C=X\);

  3. and that if \((f_ n)βŠ‚ C\) and \(f_ nβ†’ f\) pointwise then \(f∈ C\).

  4. Let \(I\) be the set of all finite subsets of \(Ξ©\), this is a filtering set if sorted by inclusion; consider the net

    \[ πœ‘:Iβ†’ X\quad ,πœ‘(A) = {\mathbb 1}_ A \]

    then \(βˆ€ A∈ I, πœ‘(A)∈ C\) but

    \[ \lim _{A∈ I} πœ‘(A) = {\mathbb 1}_ Xβˆ‰ C\quad . \]

Solution 1


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Authors: Ricci, Fulvio ; "Mennucci , Andrea C. G." .
Book index
  • space, topological
  • topological space
  • characteristic, function
  • function, characteristic
  • net
  • neighbourhood, fundamental system of β€”
  • fundamental system of neighbourhoods
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