EDB — 29M

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6.3 Supremum and infimum[29M]

Let’s first review the characterizations of the supremum and infimum in \(ℝ\), as seen in Sec. [1YY] (or in Chap. 1 Sect. 5 in the notes [ 3 ] ). Let \(A⊆ ℝ\) be a non empty set.

Definition 18


Proposition 19


Combining the previous results, we get the result already seen in [22S]
Corollary 20


Definition 21


Remark 22


Proposition 23


Corollary 24


Often the above definitions and properties are used in this form.
Definition 25



Let \(I,J\) be generic non-empty sets. See definitions in Sec. 6.3


  1. [0B6]

  2. [0B7]

  3. [0B9]

  4. [0BC]

  5. [0BF]

  6. [20P]

  7. [20J]

  8. [20Y]

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