EDB — 29P

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6.5 Upper and lower limits[29P]

From the previous definition we move on to the definitions of “limit superior” \(\limsup \) and “limit inferior” \(\liminf \). The idea is so expressed.

Definition 37


Remark 38


In particular, defining \(l=\limsup _{x→ x_ 0} f(x) \), the previous formulas characterize exactly the "limsup".
Corollary 39


We make them explicit further in what follows. (It is recommended to try to rewrite autonomously some items, by way of exercise).
Proposition 40


Remark 41


Remark 42



  1. [0BP]

  2. [0BQ]

  3. [29R]

  4. [29S]

  5. [29T]

Other exercises on limits of sequences can be found in Sec. [0CN].

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Book index
  • limsup
  • liminf
  • limit inferior , see liminf
  • limit superior , see limsup
  • liminf, of function
  • limsup, of function
  • real numbers
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